How the Blockchain will Save Social Media Marketing

Anytime Tech
2 min readOct 29, 2020

Since it was revealed that data mined from Facebook could have been used to facilitate election interference, there has been major concern regarding how user data is handled. Today, Facebook has over two billing actively monthly users. Most of them are not going to go away due to recent revelations. However, there is a solution.

The Blockchain Solution for Social Media Marketing

The use of blockchain technology could help to save social media marketing. To achieve this, the control of user data will simply be handed back to the users. Here is how it will happen:

Transparent Open Source Networks

Many social media users still have concerns about how their private data is handled. The government can censor most of the large platforms such as Twitter, Google, and Facebook. Besides that, they have biases in their algorithms to direct users towards specific content.

By creating platforms powered by the blockchain, it would help to eliminate centralized biased on these platforms. Consequently, it would return social media to P2P interactions. It would make the social media channels open source and transparent. One good example of a working platform is the Steemit platform where users can share content in an open-source manner.

Reduced Fraud

Most marketers simply do not get the targeted ROI anymore. The reason for this is that the middlemen sell them falsified data. Besides the middlemen, scammers on social media have been spread false ads containing malware.

The attacks have led to the increased use of ad blockers and other online measures. The reason for this is that consumers no longer trust ads. The blockchain could change that. It will eliminate the middlemen and let users retain control of their data. Marketers who have products to sell can request consumers to share their data. In return, they will receive crypto tokens.

While it may seem like such a system favors consumers, it is good for marketers. Instead of getting fraudulent data from middlemen, marketers can go to the source and find people who are interested in their services and products.

It ensures better ROI for marketers and a reduced chance of malware attacks and fraud for consumers.

Improved influencer Marketing

Eliminating the middleman can help marketers reduce most of their operational costs. With the saved money, marketers can reach out to influencers to increase the reach of their content. You can save more money by eliminating the middlemen as well.

By using the blockchain, you can understand the true value of an influencer as well. Whether you are looking for a micro-influencer or a celebrity, the blockchain verification protocols make it easy to vet influencers accurately. It allows marketers to find influencers with the largest ROI potential. It also helps to verify that their audience is real and not just social media bots.


There are many benefits of using the blockchain on social media. Not only will users have more control of their data, but it will also ensure that marketers get better ROI.



Anytime Tech

AnyTime is a decentralized social media platform for freedom of information using blockchain.